How to sew Gabrielle

Tuto : how to sew Gabrielle

List of material

✂ The fabric of your choice. In this tutorial we choosed a crepe viscose fabric with a lovely pattern ;

✂ A zipper ;

✂ Thread, needle and your dear sewing machine ☺️ ;

✂ You can easily follow the tutorial with the pattern sized 32 to 48 over here 

Sewing step by step

1- On the right side of the bust pieces, transfer the notches indicating the location of each pleat. Shape them then pin them, and then stitch 0.5cm from the edges to keep them in place;

2- Place the front and back parts right sides together, matching the edges. Pin and stitch at 1cm at the shoulders and sides.

3- Position the back skirt pieces right sides together on the front skirt piece, matching the edges on the sides. Place your pins and sew a straight stitch from top to bottom on each side.

4- Then position the center back edges of the skirts. Pin between the reference notches before stitching with a straight stitch to close the back skirt;

5- Place the lower part of the bust right sides together with the top of the skirt. Make sure to identify yourself with the center back edges and the seam lines of the different parts. Place your pins evenly then prick with a straight stitch;

6- Fold the cuffs in half on the wrong side. Tip: you can slip in a rectangle of iron-on equivalent to the folded half of the cuff (especially if your fabric is very fluid).

7- Sew the bottom of the sleeves with a straight stitch: choose a wide stitch (5mm for example) and do not mark any breakpoint. Pull your basting seam gently to absorb the fabric and form the gathers.

8- Pin the cuff at the bottom of each sleeve, and stitch at 1cm. Fold each sleeve in half and sew lengthwise to assemble them, tuck them into the armholes, pinning evenly, then sew;

9- Overlap the collar pieces right sides together (slip a strip of iron-on adhesive if necessary). Stitch the collar around the neckline.

10- This step now finished, it remains to assemble the zipper between the top of the collar and the back marker following the instructions.

11- Finally, at the bottom of the dress, preform the rolled hems with an iron to make them easier to sew;